National Sewing Month 2023

National Sewing Month 2023

Happy National Sewing Month!

Oliso logo, click to visit website
Sew sustainibility, the theme of the 2023 National Sewing Month organization, click to visit the website.

Happy September, National Sewing Month!



National Sewing Month recognizes a creative form of self-expression that we celebrate in September but enjoy all year.

The month-long Open House of retailers, bloggers, online stores, schools, organizations, individuals, and more is a great time to renew interest, share ideas, be inspired, expand your knowledge, and express your creativity. Happy sewing!

We know that so many of you enjoy sewing a seam, so this is the perfect month to start stitching.

Learn more about the history of the month long event at the organization’s website.




Michele Muska

Director of Community + Content


National Sewing Month Giveaway

Whole circle embroidery kits with the Oliso min project irn and multimat, illuminated by the Stella TWo LED lamp, all part of the sewong month giveaway. Click to enter.


With our friends Stella Lighting and Whole Circle Studio, we've created a fantastic giveaway to celebrate National Sewing Month.

We hope you all sign up for our newsletters to enter to win.


A Stella TWO LED Task Lamp: Intelligently designed for individuals who utilize adaptive technologies for low vision, reading, crafting, and creating.


Two Whole Circle Studio embroidery kits: Bring these adorable insects to life. With easy-to-follow instructions, there are two stitching options for all skill levels.


Completing the giveaway, Oliso is including a yellow mini project iron and a 100% wool pressing mat. Both are designed just for sewing, quilting, and crafting.

giveaway sign up


The shield logo of Sewrority, click to visit the website.


We love our friends at Sewrority! Head on over to their Instagram account @sewroritywear to join in the fun for National Sewing Month.

Sewrority Wear is a novelty sewing apparel and paraphernalia company focused on creating products for the sewing community.

Founded by 4 women to duplicate the bond and connection they shared over the years and their love and passion for sewing, they create products that will make you and your machine feel a part of something bigger.

Bigger than yourselves, a community of sewists who share, create, empower, and MOTIVATE!

learn more

Quilt Alliance

The Quilt Alliance logo, documenting, preserving and share our quilt history. Click to visit the website.

The Quilt Alliance celebrates and preserves our shared quilt heritage and inspires today’s quilters. This year, they are celebrating their 30th anniversary with their first-ever block of the month.


There are nine amazing blocks from nine incredible designers.

Each block is inspired by some aspect of their quilt story, and we’ll provide guidance and tips as you work through the blocks for documenting and reflecting on YOUR quilt story!


block of the month

Coming Soon!

A mysterious package with a question mark,  advising that a new product is coming soon. click to visit website.

Watch out for exciting news about a new product.

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